what’s this all about

I love food. Plain and simple. I love to eat out, I love to eat in. I love to try new things, I love to figure out how to duplicate something fancy I’ve seen or tasted. I’d love to live somewhere with more counter space, a dishwasher and maybe, if I’m a very good girl, I’ll get a garbage disposal one of these days. But for now, I have about 30″ of counter top to work with, and try to make the most of it. Cooking more frequently was originally an exercise in saving money, and when I realized how much I still enjoyed it, that became the motivation.

As of the 1st of April, 2012 I’ve felt like a giddy little girl on Christmas morning. I now live in a kitchen with a huge long granite countertop – it has a peninsula with space for 4 stools, and a dishwasher, 5 burner gas stove and and dishwasher AND garbage disposal! I feel so lucky! It’s a joy to walk into the kitchen, and see that there is space not only to put food and dishes away properly (helllooooo cabinets!) but space on the counter to keep the stand mixer and food processor AND knives all in the same room! 

I find inspiration to try new things through various different avenues, if I ever get tired of cooking the same things, or feel less motivated, I throw on some old Julia Child French Chef series episodes and she gets me back in the kitchen. Not only do I thoroughly enjoy her voice, but we almost have the same name, and I grew up in Cambridge… She also has a bunch of dishes and pots and pans that remind me of cooking with my Nonna when I was little.

I apologize for how crappy my photos can be. I use whatever I can reach and leave the least bit messed up from my messy hands while in the midst of cooking. This includes: my iphone 4, my ipad 2 (?), and most often my Canon PowerShot SD1400 ls. I wish I could remember how to get the settings to where I want them most of the time, but then, I just wing it and hope you can tell the difference between the salmon and the countertops… Or whathaveyou…

I have finally jumped in with both feet. I purchased a DSLR, the Canon Rebel T4i to be exact. I hope to learn how to use it to make my pictures look a little better.

And finally, a little disclaimer, because from what I’ve seen, it’s a sensible thing to do. This policy is valid from 22 September 2012

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Julia Fairchild (JuliaDFairchild@gmail.com). This blog does not accept any form of advertising, sponsorship, or paid insertions. I write for my own purposes. However, I may be influenced by my background, occupation, or experience in anything that I write. The owner of this blog will never receive compensation in any way from this blog.

The photographs I use are mine (you can usually tell because they look like an amateur took them…), taken by me, unless noted. If you wish to use them, please credit me appropriately. I try to do my utmost to credit ideas, photos and recipes properly and represent the original creator properly, and hope that you will do the same.

The owner of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owner’s. I do not claim or appear to be an expert on a certain topic or product or service area, I will only endorse products or services that I’ve deemed, based on our experience, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should always be verified with the manufacturer or provider.

I have no professional expertise or educational background or training in the cooking arena. I just like to cook, and enjoy sharing my food with my friends and family. I post these experiences in the kitchen for personal and informational purposes only, and hope that if anybody uses anything they find here will use their best judgement.

29 Responses “what’s this all about” →
  1. Your blog is awesome! I, myself, fell in love with cooking soon after I got married, but work…and dogs…and just all the day to day not-so-fun stuff that comes with being a grown-up overtook my life, and the thing I was so eager to learn about was put on the back-burner…no pun intended! 😉 I’m so happy to discover your blog and other food blogs because they all have inspired me to get in the kitchen again! Thank you, Julia!

    • Oh! Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate you taking the time to check it out! I have found so many great inspirations from food blogs to get myself back in the kitchen/motivated again! Glad I could “pay it forward”!

  2. http://householdartsandscience.wordpress.com has awarded you The Liebster Blog Award! Liebster means ‘beloved’ in German!

    The award comes with the following rules:
    1. Thank the giver and link back to them.
    2. Reveal your top five picks {with less than 200 readers} and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
    3. Copy and paste the award on your blog. Share 7 random things about yourself.
    4. Hope that the people you’ve sent the award to forward it to their five favorite up-and-coming bloggers and keep it going! Enjoy the Love!

    Nominate 5 or so blogs that have under 200 followers
    It means their blog reaches out and touches the heart and souls of others. Keep up the good work!

  3. Congrats! You have been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award! Your posts are just too awesome! Click here for more info.: http://iadoptedadog.wordpress.com/2012/06/14/its-an-honor-to-be-nominated/.

    • Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time out of your life to follow my experiments and commentary about things happening in my kitchen!

  4. I have awarded you with the Inspiring Blogger Award!

  5. Howdy to you! I’m excited to read your ‘little kitchen’ thoughts, though I see you have a much larger kitchen now… *sigh* that’s so wonderful.
    Julia Child is my inspiration whenever I am lagging… I remember laying in bed with my mom when I was a little thing and watching reruns of her cooking show (hers and The Frugal Gourmet) while I was *supposed* to be taking a nap 🙂

    • A larger kitchen is wonderful, but the lease is up April 1st, and I can’t imagine downgrading from this… Ooooof! It’s gonna be tough not to search for homes and have my priorities be: kitchen, bedroom, parking, laundry, storage… A little askew… Maybe nobody will notice….

      Thanks for reading my blog! I still watch Julia Child every once in a while, but sometimes flipping through her cookbook will suffice – access to the old cooking shows is seriously limited without Netflix anymore! She’s the best- and always makes cooking (almost anything) sound fun and or easy. She is my favorite motivational speaker!

      • I totally agree, she is the best. I love her 🙂 She somehow makes me believe that it’s all going to be ok, even if I can’t flip a potato pancake to save my life!

  6. Your blog looks wonderful! I am totally looking forward to checking out all these wonderful recipes!

    • Oh, thanks! I appreciate the drink recipes I’ve found on your blog so far — I was in desperate need of something to get me through this summer heat, and the bottle of gin that I just opened!

  7. This is a sweet blog. I’ll definitely read up on it. Thanks for liking mine; if you ever have something you want me to test, let me know!

    • Thank you for checking out my blog! I’ll be sure to let you know when I think of something puzzling (which probably won’t take too long…) or in need of testing!

  8. Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I luv what you’re doing here. Thanks for sharing your talents.

  9. Hi Julia – I have found you via Jhuls’ post! So looking forward to going through your blog and following you on your blog journey. Now, of course, I want to know about your next kitchen!!!

    • Thank you for stopping by and checking it out! I will be sure to include the latest kitchen in the near future! I just took a peek at your blog -you had me at french toast, I can’t wait to see what else I find, your pictures are great!

  10. Hello, you’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award! http://tothewindow.wordpress.com/2014/05/08/i-won-i-won/

  11. Thanks for visiting and liking my blog, Creative Economy in the Kitchen. I’ll be checking yours out frequently, too, I’m sure. 🙂

  12. Miss Julia I would love to here your suggestion for a chicken meal on a snowed in Sunday

  13. I love your blog! I’m going to need your digital recipe book for my hubby and my baby’s who’s coming soon! 🙂 x ❤︎ | LaineyLovesLife

    • Oh, I’m so glad you do! I am putting a weekly reminder to take time to focus on my blog in my calendar right now, so there’ll be something else to look at soon! Thanks again!

  14. Hi Julia! You’re on my Liebster Award list! You can check out my post here 🙂 The Liester Award ✽⦦✽ ❤︎ laineyloveslife
    ✽⦦✽ ❤︎ laineyloveslife

  15. Love what I’ve seen of your blog so far! Great photos, look forward to following.

  16. Thank you for your interest in my blog. I certainly look forward to reading yours. It’s a good one!

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